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Human Centered Marketing

Human Centered Marketing: How to drive behavior change around your new product or service?

How do you get someone to try a new coffee shop, buy your new product, or hire you when they haven’t worked with you before? This is the crux of marketing and why billions are spent in marketing and advertising. In today’s digital world, humans are so bombarded with ads that they tune out 90% of what is being marketed. Marketers are competing for attention, paying more for  ads that are less effective. While catchy or clever marketing campaigns can grab attention, they rarely change human behavior.   

At the core of good marketing is the art and science of human behavior change. Integrating the latest in social psychology research with effective design strategies, we have developed a well-proven marketing methodology that causes new social behaviors, community norms and ultimately massive behavioral shifts. Our successful approach to social behavior change integrates Dr. McKenzie-Mohr’s Fostering Sustainable Behavior framework, Dr. Kahneman’s social psychology research and IDEO’s Human Centered Design (HCD) process.

Warm Springs Consulting Partner, Amber Bieg employed this methodology in a rebranding process for Napa Valley Transportation Authority. To approve the strategic rebranding for Napa Valley Transportation Authority, the twelve agency board members consisting of Napa County municipal mayors and council members unanimously voted to approve the agency rebranding in 15 minutes.

“After all the years in government, I have never seen a political body make a unanimous decision in such a short amount of time.”  – Jill Techel, Mayor of Napa

The rebranding effort was so successful not by magic, but due to a six-month stakeholder engagement process we led, informed by the Human Centered Design process.

We teach this methodology to our clients and are happy to offer your marketing team a 4 hour Human Centered Marketing workshop.

Amber Bieg and Deborah La Salle facilitated a mini-HCD workshop on April 10th at Trailhead Boise.

Contact us to learn more about how effective this process can be!