Nevada Copper & Pala: Emissions Reduction Feasibility

Scopes of Work:
- Life of Mine GHG Emissions Forecasting
- Renewable Energy Systems Feasibility
- Fleet Electrification Analysis & Trade-off studies
- Mining Prefeasibility Technical Report
Schedule: Apr 2021 - Mar 2023
Nevada Copper and its parent company, Pala Investments, hired WSC to analyze various trade-off scenarios associated with electrifying heavy-duty mining equipment and evaluate a 100 MW microgrid to support the Nevada Copper Mine.
The project's first phase required applying renewable energy engineering to conduct a high-level analysis of developing a solar + battery microgrid for current underground and future open pit mining operations. WSC also assessed the viability and economic feasibility of transitioning to electric mining equipment.
The project's second phase looked at the technical feasibility of grid management via utility net-metering agreements, microgrid supplementation, carbon emissions avoidance, and various trade-off scenarios.
Using a 2022 fuel price, the net present value of haulage electrification is higher than continuing to operate with diesel-fueled haul trucks. With forecasted fuel price escalation scenarios, the company could save millions over the life of the mine by switching to electric haulage (this includes capital costs). The company is continuing to evaluate the technical and logistical feasibility of fuel switching.