
Scope of Work:
- Micro-hydro & Alternative Energy Trade-Off Analysis
Schedule: Aug 2022 - Jan 2023
In 2022, after conducting an internal analysis of micro-hydro as a power generation source for remote water purification systems, Purestream hired WSC to conduct a trade-off study that examines the economic and environmental impact of power from the local utility, micro-hydro and solar plus battery backup. To analyze various combinations of each generation type, WSC developed a custom power generation model that incorporates fluid dynamics, solar and battery capacity planning, power demand shifting and embedded emissions projections.
Using a Purestream customer data, WSC determined that with an optimal combination of micro-hydro, on-site solar and battery storage, Purestream could reduce the client’s total cost of energy by 54% and lifetime project emissions by 74%. WSC’s model clearly shined light on the options available to achieve an optimal combination of solar and batteries for energy cost savings. Due to the projects elevation characteristics and water flow rate, 480 kW of micro-hydro alone could reduce the energy cost by $6 million across the life of the project.
In 2023, Purestream sales leaders are using this tool to walk potential clients through how cost-effective renewable energy and reduced GHG emissions can be achieved by Purestream water treatment solutions.
This project demonstrates the important relationship between investment in sustainability and achieving competitive advantage and differentiation.

“We really enjoyed your presentation and are excited to share it and USE it. Thank you for the quality of work, professionalism and enthusiasm for the project. It's been great working with the Warm Springs team."
- Amy Hansen