Southern Idaho Solid Waste: MSW Waste Characterization Study

Scopes of Work:
- Waste Characterization Audit
- Feasibility Study
Schedule: 2020 - Present
On behalf of Southern Idaho Solid Waste (SISW), Warm Springs Consulting completed a Waste Characterization Audit to estimate the quantity and composition of waste entering Milner Butte Landfill from seven nearby counties. Through the data, SISW has greater insight into the quantity and composition of waste entering their waste stream, empowering them to take informed actions for waste reduction and diversion - ultimately extending the landfill's life.
WSC is evaluating available technologies and local partnerships that enable SISW to capitalize on the waste and create new market opportunities. This presents the landfill with exciting opportunities to unlock additional income sources, break free from traditional landfill financial limitations, and support long-term financial sustainability.
Milner Butte is poised to shine as a beacon of resource efficiency where waste is reduced, materials are reused, environmental impacts minimized and resource utilization is maximized. Together, we are charting a path towards a prosperous future, where waste becomes a valuable asset and sustainability thrives.